Where is Toastmasters heading?

i have been a toastmaster for a good 10+ Years and truly it has changed my life.  The structure, the leadership, the curriculum is something...

Religious Gaslighting ?

Since childhood, i just cant stand authority and People who uses Authority to prove their point, position and demands. Why cant life be full of...

Hello 2023….

A late post for the new year, but its never too late for anything. I spent my last few days of 2022, with the ones...

Thoughts…. by @theITGoan

I started a Series of Cartoon lines, sharing every thought and experience i have gone through and summarized into a cartoon.  I will take up...

100+ Blog posts Anniversary

Today i realised, i have reached over 100+ posts and a steady growth in readership. I dont have a viral following yet. I dont intend...

Year of Travel

With over 3 years of Zero to minimum Travel. I have decided 2023 should be my year of travel. But with Travel becoming unaffordable. I...

The Battle for Authority and Control

Its said, if you want to progress out of slavery and control, then start being knowledgeable. As my sister keeps reminding me ; “Knowledge is...