Category: Personal-Experience

The Journey So far

Today, I realized that I haven’t written since December 2023. It’s easy to blame this lapse on the myriad challenges life has thrown my way—from...

Investment in Immunity

After being out cold with illnesses for many months, it dawned to me, that i have spent alot of time to recover, only to be...

Crucified by Social Media?

Whatsapp Crashed for about 2 hours on 25th Oct and the whole World Panicked . We are sooooooooo dependent on a service which has Never...

Ingredients of a Happy Day

We all have different components or ingredients that defines our Happy Days. For some its a laze in bed, for some an outing, for some...

Build Opportunities

Sometimes we feel we are out of options and the world is coming to an end with seriously no more paths to take. The question...

Death or Prison : Drug Overdose

Today, i had to experience something in life, that we talk about in school, college, 100s of “Dont Do” advertisements. The experience was painful and...