Toastmasters so far!
I have been extremely focused on my targets to complete my CC , CL & ALB by Dec 2017, so that i have 1 and half year for my advance projects. Im extremely determined to get my DTM achieved by 2020 (before pathways kicks in 100%).
So far touched CC9 with great success at Durrar Toastmasters. Sadly didnt have it fully recorded or would have posted it here. After a grueling process, i completed my CL as of yesterday and quickly started on my ALB (advance leadership bronze) and completed my first Project on Mentoring. Will be doing my “TMI Education Program” as my second project to complete my ALB. i have already attended 3 COT training , 2 Club officers roles and worked on club success plans. This combination would help me achieve my triple crown award as per schedule.
DTM plans on schedule!!!!